S2E9: Goethals and the Canal. 🚢
You probably know the monument in front of the Administration Building, but how much do you know about the person it was built to honor? ❓
We are discussing George Washington Goethals and the key role that he and many other individuals played in the building of the Panamá Canal. 🏗🚧⚙️
#panama #panamacanal #canalzone #history #live
Awesome Goethals art by Carina Weber. 🎨
S2E8: Improv Your Life! 😉
RapScallions knows a thing or two about improvisation. 🧐
Tomorrow we will talk about the history of Chicago’s own The Second City, as well as our own awesome improv experiences. We will also teach you ways in which improv can help you to enhance your life. 😎
Join us at 3 PM! Yes, And: Improv your life! 🎉
Incredible improvised art by Carina Weber 🎨
carina_ba_na_na 🔥🔥🔥
S2E7: Movies made in Panamá!
Ever wondered what movies have been filmed in Panamá? 🎬.
We are taking a look at some of the movies that have been filmed in our beautiful isthmus, and some even featured the Panamá Canal! 🚢
Lucky for you, RapScallions have been in a couple of films and can give you the behind the scenes action. 😉
Cinematic art by Carina Weber. 🎨
S2E6 - The Elks in the Panama Canal Zone. 🦌🇵🇦
A charitable organization that celebrates its 100 year anniversary in Panama this year, the Elks have a great history. 🥂
The RapScallions will rap about the Panamá Canal Elks Lodge #1414. 😃
Come along and share you memories of this great organization. 🌟
Awesome Elk art by Carina Weber. 🎨 #live #elkslodge #panama #canalzone
S2E01 Rappin w Raul Altamar
In this episode we talk to the multifaceted Raul Altamar Arias. He is a Journalist, a published writer, a Rocker, a Skater and a Historian!
After we cover all of these interesting topics we will have a roundtable discussion about the Canal Zone. The three of us, each with our own perspectives, talk about the faded legacy of what seems to be a forgotten point in Panama's rich history.
You don't want to miss this!
S1E50 Colon City
We are talking about the iconic Panamanian city which was founded by an American railroad company. The jewel of the Caribbean, where West Indian culture thrived and the independence of the nation was secured. Its the last stop before Rio de Janeiro! You don't want to miss this episode. #panama #colon #podcast #history #canalzone #live